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Our Readers and Healers

Reader Schedule:

  • Tuesdays from 11:00am - 2:00pm Michelle Lewis, the Blessings Butterfly, will be our in-house reader. To make an appointment, you can call the shop at (714) 569-0100 or reach her directly on Instagram @theblessingsbutterfly.

  • Tuesdays Stacey, or S8cred by Stazee, will be our in-house reader from 2:30pm - 6:30pm. She will also be our reader Thursdays and Saturdays from 12:30pm to 6:30pm. To make an appointment, you can call the shop at (714) 569-0100 or reach her directly on Instagram @s8credbyst8zee.

  • Sundays from Noon to 4pm and Wednesdays from Noon to 5pm, Rosie, or El Chicano de Oz, will be our in-house reader. He offers Bone Throwing, Tarot, and Oracle readings. To make an appointment, you can call the shop at 714-569-0100, or reach him directly at 747-200-5941 or on Instagram @elchichanodeoz.

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Michelle Lewis is an energy witch, gifted energy reader, animal communicator, award-winning writer, and best-selling author. Her first book, The Blessings Butterfly, debuted

in the Top 100 on several Amazon charts. Michelle is the creator & founder of The Blessings Butterfly, a holistic practice that is dedicated to encouraging, inspiring, and empowering people to live a life that they love through the power

of Transformational Positivity. Michelle comes from a long line of women with psychic abilities and mystical connections to the spiritual world; she used to hide her gifts but now delights in sharing her ability to see deeply, receive messages from the spirit realms, and even communicate with animals. She enjoys utilizing many different divination techniques in her personal practice and uses her psychic gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience when working with her clients.


Oracle and Tarot Card Readings:

15 minutes/ $33

30 minutes/ $50

45 minutes/ $75

60 minutes/ $100


To set up an appointment, you can call during shop hours at 714-569-0100 or DM @theblessingsbutterfly on Instagram.

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Stacey Stallard has always been a psychic intuitive. In the past, readings were given on the sly, in the form of advice to friends, a waiter here, or someone in the grocery checkout line there. Like a Ninja. Now she is happy to announce she has come out of the woo closet. Stacey's gifts are claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. Readings are expressed by tapping into your energy field for messages of the highest light.  



$30/ 15 minutes (5 charm pull)
$50/ 30 minutes
$80/ 60 minutes
$60 - half hour energy balancing process using light language

To set up an appointment, you can call during shop hours at 714-569-0100 or DM @s8credbyst8zee on Instagram. Walk-ins are always welcome! 

Adelaida Velasquez, aka Addie, has been a practicing pagan and witch for over 16 years. She has dedicated herself to the community through her services, including spiritual cleansings, healings, channeling, teaching, and hosting rituals. She believes in the importance of empowering her clients and students to connect with and work with their spirit teams in order to heal and grow in their personal practices. As a writer, she enjoys writing poetry that reflects her connection and devotions to the gods and spirits as well as mental health, community and grief.


DM @addieshearthfire on IG to make an appointment!


Rosie Jimenez, also known as El Chicano De Oz, is a card reader and bone thrower of Indigenous Mexican and Spanish descent. Hailing from a spiritually gifted and intuitive family, Rosie is no stranger to the messages of the Universe. With his Mexican tarot deck, his Native American oracle deck, and the bones of one of his Animal Spirits, the Coyote, any and all of your questions will be answered. El Chicano De Oz delivers Mexican Readings at Mexican Prices!


*Lecturas Disponible en Español*


Bone Throwing - $20

Oracle or Tarot (Bones Included) - $35

Trifecta (Tarot, Oracle, and Bones) - $50

Dragon Reading - $55


Call the shop during business hours at (714) 569-0110 or DM @elchicanodeoz on IG to make an appointment!

(714) 569-0100

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